Welcome to Our Company Site!

Our Company perform the execution of all the constructional, mechanical and electrical works and in high specifications….
About Us

 The Company was established on the hands of a group from the shareholders who possess a great experience and high skills in the constructional, mechanical and electrical works. This Company was the fruit of their great experience in order to explore their creativity on the Company standards of ten they had shown on the personnel standard.




The Company possesses from the experiences and the cadres which enable it to work in the following fields:-


The Constructional  Works 

Designing, constructing the buildings, houses, buildings and other services  establishments in accordance with the latest specifications.
Designing, constructing the roads, bridges, and rehabilitating the damaged from it.
Designing, constructing the sanitary disposal networks, pumping stations and all its supplements.
Designing, constructing the drinking water networks.
All other civil works.

Mechanical Works

Execution of all works of central cooling systems and its operations.

Execution of all works of pumping stations, and its operations.


Execution of elevators works and its operations.


Execution of all other mechanical works.



 Electrical  Works

Execution and operating the control boards.

Wiring and supplying the establishments with the electrical energy.


Our Company perform the execution of all the constructional, mechanical and electrical works and in high specifications….


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